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Contributing Guide

Adding your plugins and themes

You are free to add your plugins and themes to the site, just open a new PR.

  • To add a plugin, you should edit config/plugins/<category>.json and add your plugin to the end of proper list.
  • To add a theme, you should edit config/themes/<category>.json and add your plugin to the end of proper list.

If you believe you are building a powerful theme or plugin that is fittable with multiple categories, you can add it in multiple places.

These contents should be included in your PR body


You should ensure your plugins compatible with latest VuePress version.

Any plugins which is not working with latest major version or with broken docs will be removed from list after 30 days.

Requesting domain

You are free to request a subdomain for your plugin or theme.

You can apply a subdomain as long as you agree with the following rules:

  1. Your work should be open source and licensed under MIT or Apache-2.0.
  2. Your work should be plugin or theme for VuePress 2, or tools related with VuePress 2.
  3. Your work should be workable with latest VuePress 2 version unless the latest VuePress 2 version was released less than 30 days ago.
  4. Only documentation content is allowed at your subdomain. No other content is allowed, including any political, religious, or other controversial content.

You should add a new line in config/, and we will sync that file with DNS provider manually.

These contents should be included in your PR body

Subdomain name

Subdomain is not customizable, it should based on the name of your plugin/theme, generated by removing @ vuepress- and replacing / with -, e.g.:

  • @org/vuepress-plugin-abc will be org-plugin-abc
  • vuepress-theme-abc will be theme-abc


If you need Algolia Docsearch, you should modify config/crawler.config to add your plugin of theme.

Your index name will be the subdomain you apply.